See the UNSEEN: Project Manager, Christofer Lamb
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Christofer Lamb, Project Manager at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、プロジェクトマネージャー の ラム・クリストファー さんにゲームの業界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hi, I'm Christofer Lamb, but some in the studio call me “Ramu-chan”. I joined UNSEEN in April 2024 as a Project Manager. Originally from Sacramento, California, I've been living in Japan for about 15 years.
I started out in the game industry translating dating sims for girls but eventually found my true calling in game production and project management. I got my first big break working at Creatures Inc., where I had the opportunity to work on titles like Pokémon Go and Detective Pikachu Returns.
最初は乙女ゲームの翻訳からゲーム業界のキャリアをスタートさせましたが、やがてゲーム制作とプロジェクトマネジメントに自分の天職を見出しました。株式会社クリーチャーズ社で初めて大きなチャンスをつかみ、『Pokémon GO』や『帰ってきた名探偵ピカチュウ 』などのタイトルに携わる機会を頂きました。
My hobbies include watching anime, lifting weights, and night drives around the Kanto area. Being rather introverted, I often enjoy activities that allow me to reflect and recharge on my own. Something interesting about me is that I've seen every single episode of Kamen Rider, from Kamen Rider Ichigo up to the most current one.
“Me on my way to work with my imposter syndrome in the backseat.” 後部座席に座るインポスター症候群と働きに行く私の姿
「ハチロクなんかに乗っている奴ァ アウト オブ 眼中」
Light weight! Yeah buddy! ライトウェイト!よっしゃー!
What inspires me is the journey of characters who achieve success through hard work and perseverance rather than relying on natural talent. I've always gravitated toward stories where characters dig deep within themselves to overcome obstacles and make something remarkable out of what they have. Anime like "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann," "Hajime no Ippo,"Eye Shield 21” and "Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster" have been particularly motivating for me. My favorite characters are Ippo from “Hajime no Ippo*”* and Kamina from “Gurren Lagann”. I admire their unwavering determination and their ability to inspire others, even in the toughest moments. Both characters embody the power of pushing beyond one’s limits and never giving up, which is something I strive to bring into my own life.
These stories and characters inspire me not just personally but professionally as well. They remind me that dedication and relentless effort can lead to great achievements, even when faced with challenges. In my role as a project manager, I strive to embody these qualities by continuously improving and encouraging my team to persevere through obstacles.
生まれ持った才能ではなく、努力と忍耐力で成功をつかむキャラクターたちの旅にインスピレーションを得ています。 自分の内面を深く掘り下げ、困難を乗り越え、持っているものを活かして何か素晴らしいものを作り上げる物語にいつも惹かれます。特に、『天元突破グレンラガン』、『はじめの一歩』、『アイシールド21』、そして『トップをねらえ!』などのアニメが大きなモチベーションへと繋がっています。好きなキャラクターは、『はじめの一歩』の一歩と『グレンラガン』のカミナです。困難の中でも他人を勇気づける揺るぎない決意に憧れ、自らの限界を超え、決して諦めない姿勢が好きです。私自身もその精神を見習いたいと思っています。
The GOAT, Hajime no Ippo
Eyeshield 21
My favorite game series is Marvel's Spider-Man. There's just something about being able to swing through the streets of New York after a long day at work that really relaxes me. The controls are so smooth and intuitive—I can spend hours just exploring the city and doing side missions without even touching the main storyline. The freedom to roam around as Spider-Man gives me the perfect escape, helping me unwind and recharge. It's not just entertaining; it also inspires me in my work in game production, reminding me how immersive gameplay and attention to detail can really impact players.
僕の好きなゲームシリーズは『Marvel's Spider-Man』です。仕事で疲れた日に、ニューヨークの街の中をスイングするこでリラックスしています。操作がすごくスムーズで直感的なので、メインストーリーを遊ばなくてもサイドミッションをこなしたり、街を探索したりするだけで何時間も楽しめます。スパイダーマンとして自由に動き回れるこの感覚が、最高の気分転換になります。単に楽しいだけではなくて、ゲーム制作の仕事においても刺激を与えてくれ、没入感のあるゲームプレイや細部へのこだわりがどれほどユーザーに影響をもたらすのかを再認識させてくれます。
Honestly, I don't really remember how I got into video games—they've always just been a part of my life, like eating breakfast every morning. Playing games every day was just natural for me. What I do remember is that "Duck Tales" was one of the hardest games I've ever played, and spamming uppercuts in "Mortal Kombat" caused many fights between my little brother and me. Those early gaming experiences not only entertained me but also helped shape my lifelong passion for video games.
正直なところ、きっかけはあまり覚えていません。 毎日の朝食のように、ゲームはいつも生活の一部でした。毎日ゲームを遊ぶのが当たり前でした。覚えていることは、『ダックテイルズ』が今までで一番難しいゲームの一つだったことと、『モータルコンバット』でアッパーカットを連打して弟とよく喧嘩をしていたことです。こうしたゲーム体験が、自分のゲームに対する情熱を育んでくれました。
Dark Souls for 90’s kids. 90年代のキッズのダークソウル
The number one drama starter in our house growing up. 家庭内で一番騒動を巻き起こしたモノ
I'd had my eye on UNSEEN ever since its inception. It was one of the few studios in Japan that truly interested me. I watched all of Ikumi's YouTube videos and the staff introductions, and I was really impressed by the diversity at the studio. In my short career as a game developer in Japan, I had never seen a company that was so artist-focused, which was a breath of fresh air for me.
Earlier this year, I was looking to join another company. Besides UNSEEN, there weren't really any companies that interested me at the time, so I was considering going back to the States after 15 years in Japan. Before that, I thought I'd shoot my shot and apply to UNSEEN. It turns out we were a great fit, and here I am today at one of the best game studios I've ever had the opportunity to join.
¿Qué espera aportar a UNSEEN?
Having worked at both traditional Japanese and highly international game studios in Japan, I've seen firsthand the advantages and disadvantages of each environment. While each has its unique strengths, I believe that combining the best of both worlds can create something truly exceptional. At UNSEEN, I aim to bring the lessons I've learned to help make the studio an even better place than it already is. One of my most important goals here is to ensure that UNSEEN remains a place where artists can thrive. For me, this means managing in a way that prevents crunch and avoids the common pitfalls often associated with game development.
What kind of work are you entrusted with on Kemuri? Additionally, how would you like to improve that work?
As the project manager for Kemuri, my role is to ensure that the project is delivered on time, within budget, and meets its defined scope. This requires a high level of communication and coordination to keep everything running smoothly. I’m committed to improving our workflow by continuously learning new project management strategies and processes. My goal is to make life a little easier for everyone on the team and to create a smoother, more efficient experience as we work toward Kemuri’s success.
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
The advice I’d give to someone on a similar path is: don’t be afraid of being uncomfortable. If you’re comfortable, you’re probably not pushing your limits. Always strive to keep learning and growing— this might sound cliche, but I truly believe that with hard work, you can achieve your dreams. When you hit a wall, find a way around it. The game industry is incredibly competitive, so you have to be your own best ally. Equip yourself with the best tools to succeed in the goals you set for yourself.
For me, my goal was to work as a project manager or producer at a Japanese game company. I dedicated years to working and studying. Along the way, I passed the JLPT N1, learned programming, created my own small game, earned a PMP certification, and took every opportunity to gain project management experience. Even now, I’m still always looking to learn new processes and workflows to increase my chances of success.
私の場合、日本のゲーム会社でプロジェクトマネージャーやプロデューサーとして働くことが目標でした。そのために何年も働きながら勉強を重ねてきました。その道のりの中で日本語能力試験 N1に合格し、プログラミングを学び、個人ゲームを開発したり、PMPの資格も取得しました。また、プロジェクト管理の経験を積むためにできることはすべて行いました。今でも常に新しいプロセスやワークフローを学び、成功の確率を高める努力を続けています。