SEE the UNSEEN: Conoce al diseñador de juegos Kasper Holmberg
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Kasper Holmberg : Senior Game Designer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー "VER lo NO VISTO".
Hey everyone! My name is Kasper Holmberg, originally heiring from the cold north of Sweden I’m currently operating out of wonderful Osaka here in Japan. Before coming to Japan I worked as a combat designer at Fatshark Studios in Stockholm, Sweden for about 7 years on the Warhammer Vermintide and Darktide series of games, figuring out how to make first person melee combat interesting. Having been a big fan of the Warhammer tabletop games since I was a kid (both Fantasy and 40k), it was a really cool experience to be able to work directly with an IP I’ve liked for a long time.
こんにちは皆さん!私の名前はカスパー・ホルンバーグです。スウェーデンの寒い北部出身で、現在は日本の素晴らしい大阪で活動してんねんで!日本に来る前は、スウェーデンのストックホルムにあるFatshark Studiosで、Warhammer VermintideシリーズやDarktideシリーズのゲームの戦闘デザイナーとして約7年間働いていました。一人称視点の近接戦闘を面白くする方法を考えていました。子供の頃からWarhammerのテーブルトップゲームの大ファンで(ファンタジーや40kの両方)、長い間好きだったIP(知的財産)と直接仕事ができたのは本当に素晴らしい経験でした。
▲ Warhammer / Fatshark Games
Outside of making/playing video games I dabble in various other hobbies. I have been cosplaying on and off for 15 years and I really enjoy making my own costumes and props. I find it’s a great way to get an outlet for your creativity and while also getting some time away from sitting in front of the computer screen and creating something with your hands. Holding something tangible that you created from scratch is a very satisfying feeling. While attending cosplay events, it’s also a great way of getting to know people who are into the same things as you, so many of my closest friends I’ve made from meeting them at conventions and expos!
▲ Credit: Instagram @togetherintokyo
I’m also pretty tall, being 195cm (6’5 for our imperial friends), and for some reason Japan isn’t really ergonomically designed for people with my vertical disposition, hence I’ve grown a pretty thick skull in my brief time here from smashing my head in doorways/low hanging beams or the entrances to to every single train. But somehow we struggle on!
▲ Berserk / Kentaro Mirua
My biggest source of inspiration comes from experiences in real life. Trying different things, talking to different people from all over the world, hearing different perspectives on things and exchanging ideas is a powerful tool for broadening your point of view, and thinking about the solution of problems in different ways.
Of course, I get inspired by the works of others that move me too. I read a lot of Manga, my personal favorite of all time being Berserk (rest in peace Miura sensei) and the way it manages to convey the essence of the human spirit in a hopeless world is awe inspiring. However I think I try to be less influenced by other fictional work in my day to day job, which might be ironic considering I’ve been making Warhammer games for most of my professional career. However a lot of the challenge that is interesting to me is how to take this iconic concept from a fictional work, then representing that in a way that resonates with any fan of the source material when they play the game, while also having it make sense in the context of whatever the game is.
I think this applies to anyone in the games industry, but answering the question of “Favorite game” is really tough since it’s such a contextual question. However I usually break down an answer like this: My single favorite game of all time is probably the original Dark Souls (it seems like this is the most common answer amongst game designers haha), because it was the game that inspired me to pursue a career in game development.
個人的には、歴代のゲームの中で1番のお気に入りはおそらくオリジナルのDark Soulsです(ゲームデザイナーの間で最も一般的な答えのようですね笑)。なぜなら、それが私にゲーム開発のキャリアを追求することをインスパイアしたゲームだからです。
▲ Dark Souls / Fromsoftware
▲ Guilty Gear / Arc System Works
However my favorite game genre bar none is easily fighting games. I absolutely adore how fighting games are constructed because they break down video games into the most fundamental aspects. You have a system to control variables for the character like health, round time, round wins etc. Then you select the character which is both a set of functions and a representation of the player as a person, both extremely important for self-expression. Then you fight other players, displaying their self-expression. Whomever wins is better in that scenario, no excuses. I absolutely love it.
It’d probably be a personal dream to one day make my own fighting game, but that’s to be saved for the future!
I got a SNES console with a The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past cartridge from my older sister when I was 4 years old, and that’s how I started playing video games. Since that time it’s been the most consistent hobby I’ve had throughout my life. I don’t think there’s been a single day in life where I’ve not engaged with video games in some way, weather that’s playing, reading a magazine/article on the internet or at the least thinking about what I’d do the next time I play haha.
So the reason for me coming to Japan was to get a change of scenery after spending two years in pandemic remote work. Luckily enough in Sweden it’s very easy to apply for long-term leave from work if it’s related to studying. This together with the fact that the Swedish government can help pay for the education means that it felt very safe to take the opportunity to come here to study Japanese language for a while. As my studies were coming to a close and I was preparing to go back home, I remember seeing murmurings of this super cool and mysterious studio having started in Tokyo. I had been following Ikumi-san on Twitter for a long time, so I had seen periodic updates on the studio and it peaked my interest so I figured I’d check out the website to see what it was all about. Turned out that Unseen was looking for a game designer with my profile at the time, hence I felt like I’d be fun to try and send in an application and see what would come out of it. Worst thing that could happen was to get declined, right?
Well turns out everything went way better than anticipated and I was offered a position at the company. So all of a sudden my plans of going back home took a 180 degree turn for the more exciting, since I got both the opportunity to work with really talented people I look up to, while continuing living in Osaka, a city I had grown very fond of. So I’m very grateful for the chance to be part of this!
▲ Me, Aaron (Gameplay Engineer), Ikumi(CEO), Naoki(CDO), Kenan (Game designer)
I remember seeing murmurings of this super cool and mysterious studio having started in Tokyo. All of a sudden my plans of going back home took a 180 degree turn for the better.
¿Qué espera aportar a UNSEEN?
Outside of my previous game design experience, I’ve also been involved a lot in the production and project management side of game development. This together with coming from a culture that values a healthy work life balance, I hope I can assist in any way possible in creating long term sustainable development practices and workflows. Generally my philosophy for game development is that “what” we’re creating is less important than “how” we’re creating it. If we understand how we can create something efficiently, we can better utilize the talent and drive of our amazing developers by creating efficient practices and core systems that can then be expanded and iterated upon. And by doing that we can ensure the happiness and peace of mind of everyone on the team. Because happy developers create great games!
¿Qué consejo le daría a alguien que quiera seguir un camino similar?
If you have a real interest in getting into game development, there’s never been a better time than now, so you’re in luck! Download an engine and just start playing around, start out extremely basic and don’t focus on building the perfect thing, as long as you’re experimenting and creating. Check out all of the free resources when it comes to development with Unreal or Unity, cause there’s tones of great information that you can absorb at your leisure. Afterwards, you can figure out if you want to pursue this further.
Personally, I went to vocational school for game design in Stockholm called Futuregames Academy, which really helps kickstart your journey in the industry. Primarily because of the fact that there’s a mandatory 8 month internship at a studio, which is very helpful when it comes to getting relevant experience, as well as getting connections in the industry, because all of your classmates that will be working in the same industry as you down the line.
From there it’s all up to you. Of course there are plenty other ways to break into the industry, this was the way I did it, and somehow it seems to be working out so far!
個人的には、ストックホルムにあるFuturegames Academyというゲームデザインの職業学校に通いました。この学校は、業界でのあなたの旅を始めるのに本当に役立ちます。主に、スタジオでの8か月間の強制インターンシップがあるため、関連する経験を得るのに非常に役立ちます。また、将来同じ業界で働くことになるクラスメートとつながりを築くのにも役立ちます。