See the UNSEEN: Senior Game Designer, Hiro
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Hiro : Senior Game Designer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN"。今回は、シニアゲームデザイナーのヒロさんにビデオゲームの世界に入ったきっかけについてインタビューしました。
Hello, I'm Hiro, a game designer at UNSEEN!
About 30 years ago, I started my career developing on the arcade game platform NEO-GEO. Since then, I have developed on platforms such as Dreamcast, PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch.
While game design is my primary role, throughout my long development experience, I have had the opportunity to work in various roles such as director, various lead positions, character artist, level designer, UI designer, UI artist, motion designer, motion actor, voice actor, scripter, various managerial positions, education, recruiting, and even tasks related to team organization and game hardware design.
One of my many hobbies is "making things" in general.
I enjoy building plastic models, sculpting figures, crafting accessories, leatherwork, sewing, building custom PCs, tinkering, woodworking, and cooking on a daily basis.
Basically I'm the type of person who wants to try anything that seems fun, interesting, or catches my attention—I tend to accumulate more and more hobbies over time!
Given my personality, I believe that game development, which involves constantly tackling new challenges, is truly my calling.
▲ 見ての通り「ゲームデザイナー」だよ!
As you can see, I am a game designer!
▲ 子供の頃から大好きな「ナイトライダー」
"Knight Rider," which I have loved since I was a kid
約30年前に、NEO-GEOというアーケードゲームの開発からスタートし、Dreamcast、PC、Xbox 360、PlayStation2、PlayStation3、PlayStationPortable、ニンテンドーDS、ニンテンドー3DS、Wii U、Nintendo Switchなど、ずっと日本のゲーム業界で開発経験を積んできました。
Let me introduce you to one of my passions: "creative places"!
These creative places include destinations I've never been to, camping trips that require preparation and ingenuity, live performances by my favorite artists, and events where people like me who love making things gather.
At these craft events, many creators gather to show their work to enthusiastic attendees.
The age range and variety of genres continue to expand, so no matter how many times I go, I never get bored. It's truly a fun and joyful experience.
Recently, there have been many participants from overseas as well. I get to see crafts featuring unique techniques from different countries and have the chance to talk with elderly yet surprisingly energetic and youthful creators, which always gives me a lot of inspiration.
The experiences and inspiration I gain from these fun places have been incredibly valuable in my game development career.
クリエイティブな場所とは、行った事のない場所、準備や工夫が必要なキャンプ、好きなアーティストのライブ、私と同じように ものづくりが好きな人たちが集まっているイベントなどです。
▲ インスピレーションを貰える「デザインフェスタ」I can get inspiration from Design Festa
▲ インスピレーションを貰えるものは「日常生活」にもいっぱい!水の謎解き?
There are many things in "everyday life" that can give inspiration! A water puzzle?
▲ マイクラみたいな山!
A mountain that looks like something out of Minecraft!
▲ ビルの間に異世界!?
An alternate world between buildings!?
I love retro games in general, especially action and fighting games with high levels of action. There are too many games that I’d love to list, so here I'll just share a few titles that are particularly memorable to me.
I mainly played arcade games at first, but NEC's PC88 games, particularly Nihon Falcom's "Ys" and "Ys II," truly catapulted my heart into an adventure in the world of gaming.
In Capcom's "Street Fighter" (pressure sensor version), I not only mastered the special moves that no one could pull off at the time but also played until I could clear the game without using those special moves.
"Strider" had captivating gameplay that involved traversing harsh environments and worlds where the gravity changed.
Sega's "Phantasy Star Online" opened a door to a brand new world, both in the game and in real life.
Tecmo's "NINJA GAIDEN" kept me up for several nights straight—I was completely absorbed in what I still consider to be the best action game ever.
In Square Enix's "Final Fantasy XI", my heart found a new home in the Kingdom of San d'Oria, resulting in a long period of living a dual life between the game and the real world.
Bandai Namco Games' "Mobile Suit Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield" brought me back to the arcades with its overwhelming sense of immersion.
Nintendo's "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" moved me to tears with its game design, level design, story, music, and overall world-building.
テクモの「NINJA GAIDEN」で、史上最高のアクションゲームだと数日徹夜で没頭し、
旧バンダイナムコゲームスの「機動戦士ガンダム 戦場の絆」で、圧倒的な没入感によって再びゲームセンターに呼び戻され、
任天堂の「ゼルダの伝説 スカイウォードソード」で、ゲームデザイン、レベルデザイン、シナリオ、音楽、世界観などなど、すべてに感動して涙を流しました。
The game that marked the beginning of my journey as a developer
The game with my favorite character
▲ GUILTY GEAR / Arc System Works
The fighting game I played until the end
The game I've played the longest so far
When I was in elementary school, my father brought me to a coffee shop to show me "something interesting." That's where I played Taito's arcade game "Space Invaders" for the first time. From that moment, I have been captivated by the charm of games.
The game was incredibly simple by today's standards: it was a table-style cabinet with vertical controllers, a lever that only moved left and right, a single button that was hard to press because it stuck out so much, and a black-and-white screen. Despite this simplicity and the high price of 100 yen per play, which was quite expensive for adults at the time, it became a hugely popular game that sparked a social phenomenon in Japan.
After that day, I spent a lot of time in arcades. Since I didn't have the money to play as much as I wanted, I searched for places where I could play for free or on the cheap. Every day I dropped by candy stores, department store rooftops, leisure facilities, bookstores, toy stores, computer shops, and visited friends who owned gaming consoles.
A few years later, I started playing the Famicom (Nintendo Entertainment System). I loved Culture Brain's "Hiryū no Ken II: Dragon no Tsubasa" so much that I participated in their official tournament called the World Martial Arts Championship. I won at the local store level, then the regional level, and eventually advanced to the top ranks in the finals. Most of the competitors used strong characters (with unblockable moves!), I might have been the only one that stuck with my favorite character, "Kung-fu", and managed to advance to the upper ranks.
This experience led me to participate in many more game tournaments. Of course, my loyalty to my favorite character over pure character power remains unchanged to this day!
▲ 当時の喫茶店「スペースインベーダー」 1970年代後半
A coffee shop from back then, "Space Invaders," in the late 1970s
▲「飛龍の拳Ⅱ」日本チャンピオン決定戦の様子 この中に私がいる!
The scene from the "Hiryū no Ken II: Dragon no TsubasaI" Japan Championship—I'm in the photo!
To sum it up in one word, "intuition."
I started looking around while still at my previous job. Soon after I started job hunting, I stumbled upon a company called UNSEEN.
Honestly, I didn't know anything about the company or its CEO, Ikumi.
But for some reason, I was strangely intrigued. As I looked at the titles Ikumi was involved with, the company's introduction videos, magazine interviews, and introductions of team members, I began feeling that this company is filled with people who have struggled in the same way I had and who had a genuine desire to create interesting games. I felt that UNSEEN’s style and corporate culture was attractive and would fit me well. "I want to be there!!” I thought.
I immediately sprung into action, preparing my application documents and applying on the same day.
The job-hunting experience was quite enjoyable overall, but UNSEEN was the only company I applied to directly without going through an agent. It was almost too exciting—even as quit my previous job I was still not sure if I would be able to join my first choice, UNSEEN. I'm glad that it worked out… lol
And my intuition was not off!! Working at UNSEEN has given me more excitement and enjoyment than ever before.
そして、私の直観は間違いなかったです!! UNSEENで、これまで以上にエキサイティングで楽しい日々を送っています。
▲ Anda Resort
▲ Arabian Coast
▲ Arena Bar 7
▲ Tamago Parlor
▲ DMC-12
▲ RX-78-2
▲ NZ-666
▲ GX-67 + …?
¿Qué espera aportar a UNSEEN?
Of course, I aim to contribute by creating unique game designs that are unique to UNSEEN. I also intend to help in a broader sense, working on team building and company operations, contributing in ways that only I can.
For example, guiding the overall development process to ensure time is used effectively, offering advice in various areas, gathering information and coordinating meetings, and quietly tackling tasks that others might overlook or be recluctant to approach.
When problem-solving, rather than leaning heavily on techniques I’ve used with a "This is how it should be done!" approach, I think about try to suggest ideas from my past experience that fit UNSEEN— a "How about we try this?" approach.
Since UNSEEN isn’t so big that it's impossible to know everyone here, I strive to find a solution and direction that everyone can agree with.
▲ とても神々しかった「富士山頂@2023」 八百万神が御来光を眺めているように見えた
The very divine "Summit of Mount Fuji @2023"—it looked as if the eight million gods were watching the sunrise
▲ 駅にいた「忍者」ニンジャナンデ!?
Ninja? Why is there a ninja!?
▲ 大好きな店「チャイハネ」
My favorite store, "Chaihane"
For gamers to enjoy your games, it's very important that you find joy in them as well.
¿Qué consejo le daría a alguien que quiera seguir un camino similar?
If you have read this far, it means you have a strong curiosity and passion for game development, so please take this as one perspective to consider.
Even in game development, there are many roles.
Few people know exactly what they want to do from the beginning, so I think it’s good to try various things and figure that out.
When you don't know anything, it's easier to start by imitating your peers or superiors.
To turn a game into a product, many elements need to come together harmoniously.
When in this situation, that experience of trying many different roles becomes useful. You’ll find that those "unneeded detours" were not a waste of time, and that you have indeed grown. This realization will come with confidence and pride in your work.
Furthermore, once you've gained experience and can do various things, believe in your intuition and ideas and try to figure out "something that only you can do."
Don’t overthink it. The things you've seen and experienced are unique to you.
Basically, apply that to the games you make! The result will be “something unique that doesn’t exist yet!”
For gamers to enjoy your games, it's very important that you find joy in them as well.
I look forward to the day when we can create games together, or when I can play the games you’ve made.
Just imagining what's ahead makes me excited!
▲ 「夢」は 自宅ゲーセンとバーを作ること!
My dream is to create a home arcade and bar!